Sunday, November 14, 2010

Action related few Gita,s sutras

Gita Sutra - 18.23
Based on gunas [ modes ] , action is of three types .
Action done without the influence of attachment , aversion , and self sense , is the action of
Goodness - mode .

Gita Sutra - 18.24
Actions based on self sense , desire, attachment are said to be the action of Passion - mode .

Gita Sutra - 18.25
Action done under the influence of delusion , ignorance ,without havind any idea
of its consequences
and without understanding the capacity of doing the work are said to be
the action of
Dullness - mode .

Now it is the time to understand the complexicity of the Gita - teachings .

Gita Shloka - 8.3 says :---
Bhoot bhaavh udbhav karh visargh , karm sangyith ,
the meaning of it is ----
The action is a creative force that keeps beings into existence .

The most appropriate meaning of Gita Sutra - 8.3 would be .......
The action or Karmaa which takes one beyond the feeling of Karmaa, called karmaatiit ,
may be said to be the Karmaa full of pure energy .
Gita,s Karmaa is a medium of meditation where one is to practise to grow awareness
about the various bondages such as desire , attachment , self sense , delusion etc.
We can see few more shlokas in the next issue .

==== om shanti =====

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