Sunday, November 14, 2010

Action [ karma ] related some more Gita shlokas

Gita - 2.45

Actions [ karmas ] of the three fold modes of nature
are subject of Vedas . Vedas give
full descrption of such actions .
There are well explained concepts of modes oriented
actions in Vedas, but Gita says - there is nothing in it ,
one shoud think of going beyond
the grips of the modes .

Gita - 3.5

To remain without action [ work ] even for a brief moment ,
is not possible, everyone is made
to work by modes helplessly.

Gita - 18.11

It is impossible for anyone embodied being to remain without work .
But he who gives up desires
of fruits of the work , he is said to be the relinquisher.

Gita - 8.3

Karma is a creative force that keeps being into existence .

Four shlokas are enough for today ,

Few more shlokas , we can see in the next issue .

===== Om shanti =======

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